Friday, July 3, 2015

In Loving Memory of Porter

I am devastated to report that my sweet, loving Beagle lost his life in a bizarre and tragic accident. He was strangled to death by his Martingale collar.

Here is a story about how we met.

I love you and miss you, Porter. I will love and miss you every day.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

In the news again!

Frederick G. Scheibler is in the news again! With lots of great photos!

Over here.

Check out all that stained glass!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Scheibler Building in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette This Week!

Three years after closing, the Eagle on North Side remains empty

Some cool history!

"Mr. Noxon’s building was originally to have been a department store, designed by the notable local architect Frederick G. Scheibler Jr. and built in 1902 ... "

Read the article here.